Waitz Elementary Home

Principal's Message

We welcome you and your family to the 2024-2025 school year. 
Carl C. Waitz Elementary is a place where we are committed to ensuring students experience an engaging curriculum and high achievement. Our faculty and staff are collectively committed to building a legacy of success by challenging everyone to become leaders and inspiring them to their fullest potential.
We put students first, to inspire innovation and a successful experience for every student. We take pride in developing our students, teachers, parents, and administrators to be the best they can be.  
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (956) 323-6600.
Thank you,
Mrs. Jessica Reyna-Garza
Le damos la bienvenida a usted y a su familia al año escolar 2024-2025.
La Primaria Carl C. Waitz es un lugar donde estamos comprometidos a asegurar que los estudiantes experimenten un currículo atractivo y un alto rendimiento. Nuestra facultad y personal están comprometidos colectivamente a construir un legado de éxito desafiando a todos a convertirse en líderes e inspirándolos a su máximo potencial.
Ponemos a los estudiantes primero, para inspirar la innovación y una experiencia exitosa para cada estudiante. Nos enorgullecemos de desarrollar a nuestros estudiantes, maestros, padres y administradores para que sean lo mejor que puedan ser.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse conmigo al (956) 323-6600.
Jessica Reyna-Garza

Recent News

Pajama Days Featured Photo

Pajama Days

Students may wear their favorite pajamas to stay cozy and warm on January 8th, 9th, and 10th!
Winter Break Featured Photo

Winter Break

Classes resume for students on Wednesday, January 7th!
Waitz Music & Literacy Night Featured Photo

Waitz Music & Literacy Night

Join us for an evening of fun, music, and reading on Tuesday, December 17th from 4:00 - 5:45 pm! Hope to see you there!
Santa Paws Donations Featured Photo

Santa Paws Donations

Our Santa Paws donation drive will run from December 4th - 16th! All donations will be given to the RGV Humane Society at Mission!
Thank you!!! Featured Photo

Thank you!!!

A huge, heartfelt "THANK YOU!" to Mr. Ruben Sanchez and Colair, Inc. for their generous donation to our campus!
Santa Photos Featured Photo

Santa Photos

We will be taking photos with Santa on Friday, December 13th!
