Our Vision:
Mission CISD Statement:
Mission CISD ensures a quality and equitable education for our community of learners by providing the necessary academic, social, physical, and technological knowledge and skill to become successful lifelong learners and productive citizens.
Mission Vision Statement:
Mission CISD will prepare and inspire all students to be equipped to excel in the college and career of their choice, dominate 21st century skills in leadership, knowledge, language, and technology to compete in a global economy and serve as a successful citizens in their community.
Waitz Vision Statement:
“Waitz Elementary is a Media and Communications Academy that provides students with the knowledge, confidence, leadership, and social skills to conquer 21st-century technology. We aim to foster students to become information leaders by studying and implementing how media technologies educate, tell stories, and entertain audiences. By engaging in real-world experiences, students will become independent thinkers and develop the skills to become successful lifelong learners.”
Waitz Elementary es una academia de medios y comunicaciones que brinda a los estudiantes conocimiento, confianza, liderazgo y habilidades sociales para conquistar la tecnología del siglo 21. Nuestro objetivo es fomentar que los estudiantes se conviertan en líderes de la información estudiando e implementando cómo las tecnologías de los medios de comunicación cuentan historias, entretienen a las audiencias, crean un pensamiento independiente, participan en experiencias del mundo real y desarrollan las habilidades para ser escolares exitosos de por vida.
Waitz Collective Commitments:
We, Waitz Elementary, collectively commit to the following:
- We will be supportive and work together with the goal of student success.
- We will engage in a variety of meaningful instructional strategies and activities, and keep it fun for the kids!
- We will continue to advocate for the needs of ALL students.
- We will work as a team to provide students with the necessary tools that results in a solid foundation for student success.
Our Motto:
Success for every student!
Our Slogan:
Together we can Believe, Lead and Achieve!