Students » Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy:


Any student using or publicly displaying a cellular telephone or other telecommunications device before the last bell at the end of the school day or using or publicly displaying, a prohibited electronic device, such as an I-Pod, headset, CD player, cassette player, electronic game or any personal game and/or electronic music device, will have the item confiscated. Persistent violation will result in the following consequences:



1st offense – Item(s) will be confiscated and returned to the parent/guardian only after school.



2nd offense – Same or other item(s) will be confiscated and parent/guardian will have to pay a $15.00 administrative fee before the item is released.



3rd offense – Same or other item(s) will be confiscated and kept by the school until the end of the semester or 60 days, whichever is longer.



Refusal to surrender item, upon request by an administrator, shall result in placement in the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP).



Mission CISD is not responsible for any loss, monetary or material, incurred as a result of the confiscation of the cellular or other telecommunications device, or electronic device, I-Pod, headset, CD player, cassette player, electronic game or any personal game and/or electronic music device.